How to identify Toshiba Part Numbers


Toshiba does not sell service parts directly to end-users. You can purchase service parts (modem/Ethernet replacement cables, printed circuit boards, display panels, drives, plastics, etc.) for in and out of warranty systems from Impact Computers.

Toshiba has a standard for their part numbers, most of them have a 10 alphanumeric format where the first letter could be P, V, F, H, or A.


In addition, Toshiba uses a different format for accessories such as PA3024U-1PRP

(PA + 4 digits + U + "-1" + 3 letters).

Finally, there are also “internal” part numbers in the format of GDM610000007


The following pictures are examples of how a Toshiba Part Number looks like.


Axxxxxxxxx A Toshiba Part Number on a System Board



10 Digits Part Number on a Wireless Card Starting with a "K" and 9 digits

Vxxxxxxxxx A part number found on a wireless card. The yellow number it's a internal number used by Toshiba.

The picture shows 2 different part numbers used also by Toshiba.







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